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Upcoming Events


Life Scheme Podcast 

Season 3

Life After Trauma 

Join Michael Maitre as he meets with award winning Psychologist Dr.Thema Bryant. Dr.Thema has raised public awareness regarding mental health  extending  the reach of psychology beyond the academy and private therapy office through community programming and media engagement, including but not limited to Headline News, NPR, CNN,OWN TV, BET, and VH1!



My Prayer Closet

Monday Nights 9pm PST

Join @michaelmaitre every Monday night for a sacred safe place of prayer. Set intentions for the week, express gratitude for what is, and hold others in light as you navigate with other prayer warriors for a mindful targeted prayer session.


1 Hour Watch Prayer

with The Authentic You

Tuesday-Sunday 11:30 PST

Come  keep watch with Michael, KP, and John. Prayer is the essential ingredient in your spiritual tool box. In Mathew 26:40-41 Jesus asks Peter if he could not keep watch for only an hour. Tuesday through Sunday at 11:30 on Clubhouse Life Scheme with the Authentic you hosts a Prayer Room filled with fellowship, prayer, worship and high vibrations. Come keep watch with us.

Join The Authentic you on Clubhouse


When Your Grounded You'll Grow

Monday  5Pm MST

Join Kareisha "KP" Phillips  on her engaging Live segment that dives into scripture, elevated conversations, interviews, and The Authentic You!

Follow @baldbutterfli on Instagram

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Life Scheme is a 501c3, formerly known as Earth-Link; Earth-Light that connects people with resources for spiritual growth, emotional intelligence and wellness through the channels of self realization literature, spiritual life coaching for individuals/groups, and conscious media programing. 

© 2020 Life Scheme 501c.3  

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